
Powers and Duties of the Office Bearers of the ‘Committee of Management’:

(A) Chairman:

  • (i) He/she shall preside over all kinds of meetings. However, he/she shall have the authority to nominate any other person from amongst the office bearers or members of the ‘COM’ to exercise this power.
  • (ii) For the purpose of holding meetings he/she shall fix the dates and draw the agenda.
  • (iii) He/she shall have the power to change the dates of the meetings.
  • (iv) He/she shall have the power to represent the ‘COM’ before any authority
  • (v) He/she, along with Secretary/Treasurer shall operate accounts jointly. He shall disburse salary of the staff as well as make payments to any person in connection with the affairs of the society.
  • (vi) He/she shall have the authority to enter into correspondence anyone.
  • (vii) He/she, on behalf of ‘COM’ shall ensure that the terms and conditions of the affiliation of the society are fulfilled.
  • (viii) He/she shall exercise all the powers of the ‘COM’ in any emergent cases and he may get it ratified by the COM.
  • (ix) He/she shall exercise all the powers and discharge all other duties which have not been expressly conferred upon any other office bearer under this constitution, that is to say, he/she shall be the Supervisor of the ‘COM’ and shall discharge its functions in emergency subject to approval by ‘COM’.

(B) Vice-Chairman:

In the absence of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall exercise such or any of the powers of the Chairman, which the Chairman has delegated to him/her.

(C) Secretary:

  • (i) Except those which shall be required to be maintained and kept by the Principal (by whatever name he may be called) of the Society or his/her staff, he/she shall keep and maintain all the record as per directions of the Chairman or of the ‘COM’ as the case may be.
  • (ii) He shall, as per directions of the Chairman, look after the legal proceedings and signs the documents for this purpose. When directed by the Chairman, he/she shall enter into correspondence with any authority and he/she shall receipt of the sums received by for the Society, inclusive of subscriptions donations and Govt. grants.
  • (iii) He/she, in consultation with the Chairman, summon/convene the meeting(s) and issue notice(s) for this purpose.
  • (iv) He/she shall record the minutes of meeting(s).
  • (v) He/she, unless otherwise directed by the Chairman or the ‘COM’, grant leaves to the employees of the society in accordance with law.
  • (vi) He/she shall perform all other acts and discharge all other duties but not those which may curtail the functions of the Chairman, as directed by ‘COM’.
  • (vii) He/she shall operate the account(s) along with the Chairman as mentioned in Clause 17(b).

(D) Joint Secretary:

In absence of the Secretary, he shall, unless otherwise directed by the Chairman or the ‘COM’, discharge all the functions of Secretary.

(E) Treasurer:

He/she shall assist the Secretary in maintaining and keeping accounts. In addition to it, as one of the operators of accounts, he shall sign, as aforesaid, cheques and other instruments which may be used for withdrawal of sum(s) for the society